Still feeling lost and a lack of purpose and motivation to work. Don’t have any immediate projects and deadlines to meet, and I’m not too eager to initiate any new projects either. What’s the point of making myself busy for the sake of killing time? Not really in the mood for entertainment either. I can’t seem to find joy in anything when I know so many people in the city and around the world are suffering. Feels like living without a soul. Is this what depression feels like?
Decided to pick up running again. The last time I ran was nearly a year ago when I survived the marathon race. Ran 2 times in the past week. The dopamine from exercising seems to help with my (self-diagnosed) depression somewhat. Running also helps by bringing me to the state of “flow” where I’m completely focused and distractions and worries become nonexistent, albeit temporary.
Will try my best to keep up with the weekly runs until the next marathon run, whenever that may be. May God help me get pass this rut and allow me to live fully again just as He intended. 🙏🏻