Monthly Archives: June 2022
Third Week
Third week into my month-long vacation. Still meeting up friends almost daily. Beginning to see repeating friends in the meetups, still grateful seeing every single friend healthy and happy! I think I’m now more attuned to the slower pace here in Canada. I usually get more than 8 hours of restful sleep every day now. […]
Sketch… Sunday Service
Second Week
Second week into my month-long vacation. Still continuing my near daily meetups with friends, and still enjoying the catch-ups and all the happy memories that arose. I’m grateful for the many good friends that God allowed me to cross paths with. Despite the many social gatherings, life is still a little boring around here, especially […]
Sketch… Sunday Service
First Week
It has been slightly over a week since I started my month-long vacation. Have been meeting and catching up with friends almost daily since I returned to Toronto, nice to see everyone happy and well. I’m grateful for friends who have been leaving messages and welcoming me back as soon as I set foot on […]
Sketch… Sunday Service
Vacation Started
After a few hectic days of finishing up my studio work, cleaning my home, and packing, I officially started my month-long Canadian vacation on June 8th. I flew with my friend’s family of 4 who were moving back to Canada, and thanks to him, I got a free ride to the airport. Lucky for the […]