It was Earth Day on Friday, I seized the opportunity to do some gardening and pampered the many succulents in the studio.
Earth Day became Earth Weekend. On Sat., after having dim sum lunch with my family (my first dine-in since the 5th pandemic wave), I went home and cleaned up my little green corner. In the evening, I went back to my parents’ place for dinner and weekend stay over.
I initially planned to do more gardening and care for the few neglected succulents in my old room at my parents’ place, but I didn’t bring home enough soil from the studio, plus I was a bit tired from the earlier Earth Weekend activities. My Earth Weekend didn’t end however. One of my neglected succulents bloomed overnight, I stayed up late to record the magical blooming process. After searching my IG photos, I realized the same succulent bloomed at roughly the same time 4 years ago! Really grateful that I didn’t miss this rare treat from God’s wonderful creations.
Wrapped up my Earth Weekend with a couple more endangered animal caricatures for my new ongoing art project/experiments.