Started working from home last week as the 5th pandemic wave was rather severe with daily COVID cases in the low 4 digits. Got back into doing some website work. Finished backing up and updating the design of this personal website and was more than halfway done for one of my studio websites. Working in my pajamas turned out to be surprisingly productive!
Went out to the neighbourhood supermarkets on Tue and Thur evening to take a breather and to stock up on some non-perishable food items before a citywide gov tracking app takes regulatory effect on 24th. Went back to the studio on Sat to do some cleanup and to bring home more items in preparation for an extended WFH period. After a week of working from home, it felt like an exploration to travel back to my studio, which was only a short bus-ride away.
I’m thankful that I can actually work from home for there are many people who can’t afford to do so. There are also the frontline medical professionals, workers, city cleaners, etc. who are risking their lives each day to help us through this crazy pandemic while we stay in the comfort of our own home. May God protect them, keep them safe and healthy while serving the people in need. 🙏🏻