After a very happy weekend highlighted by a marathon finish, I seemed to be experiencing a mild depression this past week.
After resting the entire Monday following the marathon, I started clearing up some errands I had pushed aside. Also slowly picking up work at the studio again. Tested a few materials with the laser cutter and experimented with Arduino. Made some good progress with the robot arm project for an uncle. He had been lavishly giving me electronic components and metal parts to play with as a way to lure me into doing more engineering work. His plan seemed to be working and I seemed to be picking up my interest in robotics once again.
Reviewing and bidding farewell to October 2021, I think I did ok amidst the depressing atmosphere of our city. Don’t think the dark suffocating veil covering the city will be lifted anytime soon. I just hope to stand firm under God’s mercy and grace and best live my coming days one day at a time. May God continue to bless me and my family 🙏🏻.