Closely following typhoon LIONROCK was another typhoon called KOMPASU. After being criticized for its wavering announcements of the first typhoon, the HK Observatory made an unfaltering announcement of the hoisting of T8 signal well in advance on Tue, and many people were allowed to leave work and go home early. T8 lasted the entire Wed and followed by a public holiday on Thur.
Learning from the LIONROCK experience, I was much better prepared this time around. I brought home from the studio my heavy table easel and other art supplies and turned the unexpected but welcoming holiday into a little art-cation. It proved rather productive as I managed to finish my weekly Chinese calligraphy homework while completing a couple of character sheets for my ongoing IG cartooning series.
I honestly don’t mind the typhoons other than it forcing me to constantly adjust my running practices. Nevertheless, I managed to complete two half marathons this past week, one on Thur and the other one on Sat. Getting quite anxious for the actual marathon next Sun (24th). Seriously could use more time to practice, but I can honestly say that I’ve tried my best to prepare for it in the limited time frame, now just humbly hope that I can survive the entire marathon without needing to be escorted by an ambulance.