Monthly Archives: October 2021
Post-Marathon Blues?
After a very happy weekend highlighted by a marathon finish, I seemed to be experiencing a mild depression this past week. After resting the entire Monday following the marathon, I started clearing up some errands I had pushed aside. Also slowly picking up work at the studio again. Tested a few materials with the laser […]
Sketch… Sunday Service
Happy Weekend
Had a very happy weekend! Woke up really early on Friday in order to adjust my sleeping hours to match the early marathon on Sunday. Decided to go and try to find my lost 9x year old Chinese calligraphy classmate for he told me before where he goes to have daily early morning dim sums. […]
Closely following typhoon LIONROCK was another typhoon called KOMPASU. After being criticized for its wavering announcements of the first typhoon, the HK Observatory made an unfaltering announcement of the hoisting of T8 signal well in advance on Tue, and many people were allowed to leave work and go home early. T8 lasted the entire Wed […]
Sketch… Sunday Service
Sketch… Sunday Service
T8 Lion Rock
The city hoisted its first Typhoon 8 signal in 2021 this morning. I had been waiting all day for it to be lifted so I can go back to the studio to finish up some work I left unfinished last night. To my disappointment, Typhoon Lion Rock was unexpectedly strong and T8 was hoisted the […]
Hello Q4
The pace of time can seem very different at times. When you are with people you like, time seems to zip right by. But when you are practicing for a marathon, the clock seems to slow down and the agony seems to last forever. I may have missed to say goodbye to Q3 if not […]