My family already had our Mid-Autumn dinner on Sunday, so I was free to do whatever I wish on this full moon night. Thought about going for a running practice, but was a bit lazy to go out after arriving home. Frankly, I’m not in much of a celebration mood this year, it’s a bit tough for me to find joy when I know so many people in the city are unjustly detained/imprisoned and are separated from their families on this festive day.
Had an unusually happy dinner last night with an old friend’s dad and a late uncle’s son. My old friend’s dad initiated the meetup, I think he was bored staying alone in HK. He usually visits my friend in Canada during this time each year but the pandemic deterred the annual visit. I suggested inviting a late uncle’s son after knowing recently that they were good friends in Mainland. The meetup was a bit unusual because I never met my old friend’s dad myself without my friend or my dad, and I also never met my late uncle’s son myself without my late uncle or my dad. The really funny thing was that the three unusual guys meeting up for the first time just hit off and had a wonderful time together. Uncle brought a bottle of expensive alcohol (some kind of whisky?) and I tried and drank quite a lot because of the happy mood. Uncle told us many old stories about him, my dad, and late uncle. I like to hear stories about them working hard and enduring much hardship in the old days before becoming as successful as they are today. Very inspiring and encouraging. The three of us were joyously eating, drinking, and chatting from a bit after 6pm to past 10pm when we were the last table left and the restaurant needed to close.
My old friend’s dad also got me a surprise and thoughtful gift. It was an electronic kit which I told him I was kinda interested to experiment with when he visited my studio with my dad a few weeks ago. He said he knew I would likely put it off and forget about it if not for him to buy me the kit and push me to play with it. He knows me pretty well ?.