Studio Cleanup

Have been busy cleaning up the studio in the last few weeks, it seemed like a never ending task, there’s always more things I could have organized and cleaned up further. Decided to finally call it quit for the big cleanup project last week after repotting the many plants in the studio!

The city and the world seemed to be falling apart while I was caught up with the studio cleanup:

  • The Professional Teachers Union disbanded, it’s one of the largest union in HK with over 90k members and a history of near 50 years
  • Civil Human Rights Front, organizer of the largest peaceful protests (over 2 million people), also disbanded citing “unprecedented challenges”
  • 612 Humanitarian Fund, a crowdfunding effort to provide financial assistance to the pro-democracy individuals who are being persecuted, halted operation
  • July 2021 was the hottest month ever on record
  • Taliban seized Afghanistan
  • Covid-19 Delta variant continued to ravage the world, even those countries with high vaccination rates

The Sunday sermon today hinted on the possibility that these were signs of the second coming of Christ, it certainly matched some scriptures in the Revelations. Many of us (including myself) are not prepared for the Apocalypse yet, may God be merciful to us all. ??

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