Following a memorable bday long weekend, the past week was by contrast rather sad…
Went to the airport to farewell an old family friend whom I know for over 30 years on Tuesday. Saw his parents and sister for the first time in many years, they obviously were sad to see their son (and 2y/o grandson) and brother return to Canada, grandma even couldn’t hide from shedding tears. The near empty airport made the scene seemed sadder still.
On early Thursday morning, the only pro-democracy newspaper’s office building was raided by over 500 police, over 40 computers and servers were seized, 3 companies’ financial accounts were frozen, and 5 of the top managing officials were arrested and denied bail. The police claimed publicly that the company had violated the China-imposed national security law without any proof of evidence or court trial. With the financial accounts frozen, the publicly listed newspaper corporation may cease to operate in a few weeks. I can’t imagine what will happen to our already declining city when the only pro-democracy newspaper that’s gutsy enough to reveal the lies of our government cease to operate. Who else can shine light and reveal the truth in our darkened city?!
Many people are fleeing from the city as the dictator regime continues to rise in power and denies people of their rights and freedom. Is there anything we can do besides fleeing? God, can You help us? ??