Took my first of two COVID19 vaccination needles on Friday. The past week seemed to be centred around that single event.
Dined out with my parents and sister on Tuesday, they talked me out of submitting a proposal for a small commercial unit at an artsy establishment that previously turned me down. They think I should move back to Canada asap because our city is deteriorating too rapidly with no hope of turning back. I’m not certain about moving back permanently, but I wish to at least pay a visit and think up a backup plan when the pandemic situation there is less worrying. Besides chatting over work and our deteriorating city, my mom also urged me to go home a day early in the weekend in case my first jab had any adverse side effects.
Counting down to the needle time, I messaged my friends to see who had been vaccinated and whether they had any adverse side effects, a very good icebreaker to reconnect with friends.
Because of the scheduled first jab, I decided to take Friday off, so worked late on Thursday to finish up some freelance 3D drafting work. After the jab at around noon, I stayed home to continue the work in setting up my home office. Went back to my parents’ place for dinner and a relaxing weekend.