The number of COVID19 cases in the city had dropped to single digits and there was 0 local cases this weekend, first time in 4 months! Happy to see more light shining at the end of this long pandemic tunnel.
The pandemic is still far from over, one of the more reliable vaccines was put on hold due to packaging concerns. My dad and sister actually scheduled for the vaccine on the day when the vaccination was halted, they need to reschedule when it resumes. We still dined out together that evening, don’t really recall the last time we met and chat, must be at least a month ago. I did not hold in my anger of knowing my brother and sister-in-law inviting my elderly parents to vaccinate the less reliable vaccine that was not thoroughly tested on elderly aged 60 or above. They should know better than putting my parents’ lives at risk for their political agenda!
The atmosphere is still rather gloomy in the city. Have been praying on a daily basis for the many democrats who are detained or imprisoned. I started writing my first letter to them after a slight push from my sister who had already written many. My mom asked how she could donate money to the detainees/prisoners, I told her not to worry, money isn’t really what’s lacking when you’re under confinement. Besides barring democrats, art is also being targeted under the arbitrary National Security law as an art piece by Ai Wei Wei was prohibited to show at the upcoming M+ museum.
In midst of the smothering negativity in the city, I managed to focus and got some decent amount of work done this week. Worked relatively hard so that I may enjoy a long work-free Easter holiday!