Was busy with some last minute fai chun writing for my family last week running up to CNY. Had dinner with my parents, sister, and brother-in-law on CNY’s eve. Went into hiding and never left my apartment for the first 4 days of CNY.
This is the first time I didn’t see my parents on the first day of CNY in the past 12 years. Exchanged CNY greetings with my family in our messaging group, and the red pockets from my parents were delivered by my sister. I know it’s going to be hard for my parents, but it’s probably better they didn’t see me unhappy on the festive day. Really not in the mood for celebration this year, besides, it’s still very hard to forget the infuriating episode of my bedroom being occupied without my consent. Forgiveness is easier said than done. May God help me.
My family issue is actually pretty minor when I anticipate and plan for the year ahead. The pandemic seems to be easing off but the suffocating political turmoil in the city just never seems to cease. The whole world is in a worrying state too – earthquake in Japan and military lockdown in Myanmar. It’s really tough to plan ahead in the Year of the Ox, I’ll just continue to learn my lesson of trusting and following God, one day at a time.