CNY is a couple of weeks away, I started designing some ink greetings early in order to make it in time to be mailed to a couple of friends in North America. Apparently, air mail was no longer available in Canada due to the pandemic, so only my US friend could receive it in time for the new year of the Ox.
Honestly not in a celebration mood with everything that’s happening in the city. After the sudden high-profile lockdown last weekend, our crazy government carried out a couple more deceitful overnight lockdowns last week, a third one was just reported on the radio while I’m writing this post. My resident flat is not included in the lockdowns and I’m not at all affected (yet). Nonetheless, the sly operations reflect just how apathetic and inhuman our government is towards the people. They would suddenly lockdown small districts at night and force all the residents within to submit covid19 test samples by 2am, the whole operation would end at 7am so that the residents can go back to work. It’s almost as though people are being treated like lab rats and their only purpose is to work and pay taxes for the high paying government officials. Besides, the effectiveness of the lockdowns are very questionable in the first place. How can you control an infectious virus by sudden small scale lockdowns when people are highly mobile and free to travel in and out of the affected zones after 12 hours of lockdown? You can be tested negative during the lockdown and be infected the next day! There’s also the problem of false-negatives on the tests. It frustrates me every time I think about our stupid and inhuman government.
It’s not difficult to see why many people are planning or have already moved out of this city for good. Talks have been circulating about the government planning to follow Mainland China and ban dual citizenships. I myself have also been exchanging messages with my circle of friends, most of my HK-Canadian friends will choose Canadian citizenship over HK if the future forbids them to hold both.
I feel lost thinking and planning for the future. I would never have thought our city would deteriorate this rapidly in just half a year since the national security law was imposed in July. I also never would have thought that my family would suddenly and unapologetically take over my room without my consent. I can’t see how the future will unfold, I can only rest my faith in the God who holds the future and to try my best to follow Him, day by day.