Daily Archives: Oct 25, 2020


The past week was filled with ups and downs. Started the community marathon training on Tue, first taste of real exercise since my last run back in Jan/Feb, exhausted but felt good. (Up)

Met and caught up with a couple of friends on Mon and Thu separately. I’ve been proactively meeting up friends in the last few weeks, trying to catch up with my social deficit before going back into hiding when the pandemic numbers worsens again. (Up). Also tried to arrange a date with the girl-I-like today, but was cancelled last minute. (Down)

Had a spiritual downfall in the new place for the first time on Thu. (Down). Felt really bad afterwards (actually a good sign that the Holy Spirit is still working within me). Confessed my sin and praying not to fall back into the vicious cycle of sin-regret-confess and back to sin again. Really don’t wanna waste time on this again, life is too short.

Oh Lord, pls forgive me for letting You down again. Pls don’t give up on me and continue to mold me and use me for Your good works here on Earth for as long as You would graciously allow. ??

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Sketch… Sunday Service

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