The many months of social distancing has me nurturing a new habit of staying home on Sundays to rest and catch up on RTHK videos, FB news, daily devotions, etc.
As the pandemic continue to ease with daily infections staying low in the single digit, I’m also beginning to play catch-up socially. Seized the Mid-Autumn holiday to message friends I haven’t contacted for a long time, friends including those in North America and friends I’ve been thinking a lot but a bit anxious to message like the girl-I-like. Church will also be opening up this week and I’ll have a chance to catch up with my b&s soon. Hopefully, I’ll have enough time to catch up with my close friends before a possible 4th wave hit us.
Decided to do something different this year for Inktober after the plagiarism fiasco. Will follow a different list to draw and ink birds daily. Debated about forgetting Inktober all together, but I can really use some motivation to help me ramp up my creativity and productivity. With the decision made, I’m already lagging behind in the daily inklings and will need to play catch-up this week.
The month of October is looking like a month of playing catch-ups, socially, spiritually, creatively,… May God bless the catch-ups. ??