The week started off with the sudden crazy rampage of Appledaily by hundreds of police, a complete disregard of the freedom of press. I remember asking my sister in HK awhile back if she’ll consider moving back to Canada, she didn’t like the idea, but said it might be inevitable if Appledaily dies. I didn’t understand her reasoning until now.
One of my friends again brought up the idea of moving back to Canada in a group chat, it makes sense since he has two young kids who will definitely be better off growing up in Canada than in HK. After the Appledaily raid, I’m also more determined to secure a backup plan for work in Canada, not only for myself, but for my family’s sake. If our family is forced to move back to Canada, I’ll probably be the best person to help ease the transition.
Worked from home on alternate days this pass week. Indulged in ink art while at home, good thing I borrowed a bunch of books on ink art when the libraries reopened shortly in June before the 3rd wave of the pandemic forced them to close again shortly. The plan to cleanup/renovate the studio is progressing rather slowly, two steps forward and one step back, will probably need at least a couple more weeks to have it done the way I had hoped.
The COVID-19 confirmed cases was kept rather steady at around 40-50 ppl daily, still considered severe and worrisome given the city’s crowdedness and reliant on public transit. Looks like we’ll have to coexist with the virus for quite some time, and I’ll likely have to stick with this 1/2 work from home routine for awhile and adhere strictly to social distancing so as not to add extra burden to our city’s medical professionals.
Oh Lord, please continue to see us through this pandemic, protect us and keep us healthy physically, mentally, and spiritually. ??