Worked from home the entire week, only went back to the studio on Sat. to do some prototyping. Caught up with my Inktober52 cartoons, annual daily devotions is now less than 1 week behind instead of 3, and made considerable progress on the deTour collaboration project. Could honestly say that I did the best I could in July given the ubiquitous negativity that’s ruling our city.
This past week was particularly miserable with our stupid HK government tightening social-distancing rules to ban gatherings of more than 2 persons and ceasing all dine-ins at restaurants. They shortly reverted the rule after overwhelming complaints of workers being forced to eat outside in the heat and rain during lunch hours. The government also disqualified 12 pro-democracy LegCo election candidates, and then shortly announced to postpone the election for a year. None of these actions were carried out with any kind of discussion or consensus from Hongkongers. What happened to our right to vote? Should also mention that 4 teens aged 16-21 were arrested by the National Security squad for claiming “HK Independence” on social networks, what happened to our freedom of speech? Is the nation so fragile that 4 teens claiming independence can kill it?
Our city is going downhill fast since the new National Security law was imposed on July 1st, too fast for us to respond amid the 3rd wave of the pandemic with 12 consecutive days of triple digits confirmed cases. Is there anything we can do to help HK besides passively staying home and letting the medical professionals battle the virus for us? But frankly, I’m struggling just to stay hopeful in these challenging times.
Oh Lord, please help us, help us not to lose hope and see Your light during these darkened times. ??