Our city is finally feeling the blow of the COVID-19 pandemic with this 3rd wave spreading like wildfire in the community. The daily number of people infected constantly rises to a record high of slightly over a hundred today.
Our stupid government decided to restrict restaurants to serve takeouts only from 6pm-5am as though the virus only roams free during those evening hours. Masks also became mandatory on public transit. I have stopped eating out altogether before the restrictions was effective. Besides eating takeouts, I also stocked up on frozen siu mai at the studio. We ordered the tasty food online and it was delivered in just a couple of days, a very good recommendation by my colleague.
As the pandemic is ravaging our city, my family suggested me moving back to my parent’s place temporarily because my new home is close to one of the virus’ epicenters. I don’t really think it makes a big difference as HK is a small and crowded place and there’s really no neighborhood that can be guaranteed safe from the virus. But it’s worth considering as it will more or less lower my risk of infection, and I need to stay strong and healthy to take care of my family, especially my parents!
Oh Lord, please be merciful to our city and its people. Heal those who are sick and comfort those who have lost their loved ones. Help us stay healthy amid the pandemic. Allow me to stay strong and healthy, both physically and spiritually, so that I may help my family and others through this pandemic. ??