In lieu of Mother’s Day, my family of 10 finally resumed our Sunday lunch ritual, despite needing to separate into 2 tables due to recently enforced social distancing laws. The restaurant was packed as expected, it’s good to see businesses flourishing once again. After lunch, I went to my new place with my parents and sister to inspect the newly renovated balconies, my dad’s friend had done a great job!
My weekly studio hours also resumed to more or less normal. In fact, there were a couple of days when I arrived at the bus stop at around 6am to start work early. I’m now experimenting with larger scale prints that takes more than 10 hours to complete!
My weekly Tuesday calligraphy class also resumed, it was good seeing my teacher and classmates again. My FB reminded me yesterday that it has been 4 years since I started learning Chinese calligraphy. I’m really thankful for serendipitously enrolling into the class and continuously being fascinated by the art.
It’s been 21 days since our last local confirmed COVID-19 case was recorded, can we stop wearing masks by the time we reach 28 days? The warming weather is making it more and more uncomfortable with the mask on.
Oh Lord, thank you for continuing to help us through the pandemic and let us transition to normal life again. Please continue to look after us and see us through the very end of this long tiring battle against COVID-19. ??