The world continues to spiral down the seemingly bottomless COVID-19 pit with US now leading the plunge. Worldwide, over 1 million ppl is now infected by the virus with over 65 thousand deaths recorded. This overwhelming casualty is unprecedented in my lifetime. The rising death toll numbers continue to numb my senses.
I don’t really know what to make of all this. I’m doing ok, not well, but ok. Hearing the daily depressing news and seeing the downcast eyes of masked faces on the street tells me I’m living better off than many ppl around me. I’m thankful but can’t feel the slightest bit of happiness. Is there anything I can help besides staying isolated and trying my best to protect myself from the virus?
These isolated days have been giving me extra time to do things I don’t normally spend a lot of time on – cartooning, calligraphy practice, assembling plastic models (the last time I assembled a gundam was way back in highschool!), etc. Truth is, I never seem to have problem finding ways to entertain myself growing up, but now during these slow economic days I can indulge more in my non-money-earning hobbies with less guilt. In fact, some ppl are coining this as a rare time in history when we can save the world by staying home and doing nothing! If we don’t die from this pandemic, we should consider repeating the same strategy to save humanity from climate change.
Watched a short clip of an astronaut giving advice on self-isolation – understand the risk, focus on mission, evaluate constraints, take action. Repeat. Good advice, I should reflect more on that this week.
Oh Lord, do You hear the cries of Your people? Are You seeing the sad faces on the streets like I do? You must be seeing more than I do and, unlike me, You have the power to help. Why aren’t You helping?