WHO finally announced the P-word after being criticized by many experts of its inaction. I started checking the list of global confirmed cases and deaths almost daily. It felt a bit like checking each country’s medal ranking during the Olympics.
I continued my alternate working days routine this past week and still finding myself surprisingly creative and productive during these social-distancing days. Started experimenting with resin 3D printing in the studio, the newly purchased budget MSLA 3D printer surprised me with its exceptional print quality! The technology is very promising, but will need to research more on its material’s environmental impact before I’m comfortable in devising and offering products/services with that medium.
A couple of fellowship brothers asked me out for dinner on Friday. I was a bit reluctant to join, but one of them seemed troubled and could use a good listening ear. The subway was unexpectedly crowded, and after so many days of isolation, I felt overwhelmingly uncomfortable in the crowd. Turns out my friend was ok, he seemed to be likewise worried about me as I have been absent for a long time since our weekly fellowship meetups moved online.
In these social-distancing days, I seem to have reconnected with my introverted side and have been spending much of my time alone doing R&D and drawing cartoons. I think I’m coping very well with this pandemic in comparison to some of my more social friends. Nonetheless, I really hope the pandemic won’t drag on too long, it’s very saddening to see people’s unhappy masked faces on the street. Oh God, please be merciful to us and help us see light during these gloomy days. ??