Monthly Archives: March 2020
Social Distancing
The second wave of the pandemic is hitting our city hard. The hospital’s isolation wards are getting full and some confirmed COVID-19 cases are starting to require to wait in line, a very worrying situation. I’m still practicing my alternate working days routine, still finding it very productive. Spent a lot of time practicing Chinese […]
Sketch… Sunday Service
Second Wave
Our city’s number of confirmed COVID-19 cases had seen a second wave of surge this past week due to an influx of travelers returning from more inflicted countries. Experts are urging people to continue practicing social distancing. Looks like I’ll be sticking with my isolation routine for at least 2 more weeks. It’s not easy, […]
Sketch… Sunday Service
Global Pandemic
WHO finally announced the P-word after being criticized by many experts of its inaction. I started checking the list of global confirmed cases and deaths almost daily. It felt a bit like checking each country’s medal ranking during the Olympics. I continued my alternate working days routine this past week and still finding myself surprisingly […]
Sketch… Sunday Service
Weathering the COVID-19 Storm
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread and worsen globally in South Korea, Iran, Italy, etc. In midst of the depressing atmosphere, I seem to be getting used to these social-distancing days. Continued my alternate working days in the studio this past week, successfully carried out a few “experiments” in translating black and white ink art […]
Sketch… Sunday Service
Isolation Continues
The COVID-19 has become a global pandemic, whether WHO has the guts to announce it or not! There is seriously no denying of it as it has caused serious local community outbreaks in South Korea, Japan, Iran, Italy, etc. Life under isolation feels a bit suffocating. Admittedly, I’m not too social to begin with, but […]