Monthly Archives: February 2020
Isolation Under COVID-19
Second week attending Sunday Service remotely from home. Under the COVID-19 epidemic, fellowship, calligraphy class and all social activities has come to a complete halt, feeling rather isolated even though I was never quite a social animal. Only left home for work twice this week. My colleague gave me red pockets and that made me […]
Sketch… Sunday Service
Life Under 2019-nCoV
Worked home for another week to save on masks. Besides eating and sleeping, much of my time was spent going through a Chinese dictionary of 4-letter phrases and practicing Chinese calligraphy by copying the relevant words for a long unfinished project. The dictionary was a gift from my dad when I moved back to Canada […]
Sketch… Sunday Service
2019-nCov Took Root
The novel coronavirus is no longer a threat, it has taken root in our city thanks to our CE’s stubbornness in not closing the Mainland borders. A tenth of our city’s medical staff went on strike but that didn’t perturb our arrogant CE’s decision. Facing the incoming virus from Mainland, our first line of protection […]
Sketch… Sunday Service
2019-nCoV Threat
With the imminent threat of the Wuhan coronavirus and an unreliable government in controlling its infiltration to our city, I have extended the CNY holiday for another week. However, I did go back to the studio on Sat. to do some cleaning and to pack some stuff to work from home this coming week. Decided […]