Monthly Archives: November 2019
District Elections
As advised by many friends, I went to the poll station very early this morning, but the lineup was already very long as expected. I didn’t want to be late for church so I postponed my vote to later this afternoon, and there was zero lineup then (~1700). While writing this post, the radio news […]
Sketch… Sunday Service
Taipei Trip 1116 – 1119
Took on a short 4-day trip to Taipei with a couple of fellowship brothers. One of them planned the whole trip and made all the bookings, me and the other brother simply tagged along. My only contribution to the itinerary was suggesting to visit the Juming Museum. It was far from the city and took […]
There’s a recent downturn of events regarding the lingering protests in our city. After the violent clashes inside my neighborhood mall on Sunday, it was violently defaced and crumbled under the attack of “masked individuals”. The shopping mall will not reopen until December. My neighborhood street was also blockaded. It deemed a natural target when […]
Feeling Low…
Last week started off pretty well as I finally picked up my running practice again after a full year of absence from the track. Ran 2 times, about 3k each, happy that I wasn’t too out of shape as I thought. Also spent a couple of days cleaning up the studio, still need to test […]
sketch… Sunday Service
Biweekly Update…
Realized my updates have become a biweekly routine… Just wrapped up a big event with WWF this weekend. Was invited to set up a booth in their green market, there was unfortunately no business to speak of, but I sincerely enjoyed the quiet time to make art outside the studio. I also enjoyed very much […]