Two weeks since my last update… Still continuing my Oct. inking routine, but only barely keeping up with the daily Inktober prompts. Pulled a rare all-nighter on 11th (Friday) in the studio to work on a Chinese calligraphy piece for competition, was super tired afterwards and took me a few days and many extra hours of sleep to recover. An introductory Chinese calligraphy workshop is scheduled this coming Thur, but may be cancelled/rescheduled due to lack of interest.
After submitting the calligraphy competition piece, I wanted to start learning a different script. Upon seeing my msg, my 91-yr-old (ex-) classmate found some reference materials and brought that to me with a surprise visit during our weekly class on Tue., I was truly touched.
Besides indulging in my new inking routine, I’ve also started taking the bus to and from work this week. Morning traveling time took longer, but I enjoyed the refreshing naps with music through the earbuds. Late rides home could actually take less time than the MTR.
Decided to run the marathon early 2020, and being totally out of shape now, I must add a running practice routine ASAP.
The city’s political turmoil is still not seeing any sign of resolution, I shall also add a regular daily praying routine at 10pm. May God hear our city’s collective cry for justice and mercy. ??