My legs were shaking when I was playing badminton yesterday, don’t remember feeling this way ever before. I’m recovering from a bad flu, was hoping that a little exercise would help the healing.
I’m actually feeling much better this past week. Seeing my slow progress in recovering, I bought some over-the-counter flu pills in the middle of week and that worked magic in my body! It really feels good to be healthy and conscious again, thank God for hearing my prayer.
My 90-yr-old calligraphy classmate also recovered from his sickness and rejoined the class on Tuesday after a few weeks of absence. I was super happy seeing him healthy and well! He actually needed to undergo a small surgery on Monday but negotiated with the physicians to move it to Wednesday instead, he told the hospital that he promised to join the calligraphy class and have dim sum with us after ?.
Regarding work, I’ve completed one of the two pro-bono design projects and the other one is pending for feedbacks. Plan to get back to designing and making things in the studio this week.