Daily Archives: Aug 19, 2018

Week of Art

Started off the past week with volunteering at a Senior centre on Monday morning, the elderly seemed happy seeing me again and I’m happy that they still remember me and welcomed me to do Chinese calligraphy with them. Had lunch with my friend before I headed downtown to see the Banksy Exhibition and explored the local street arts in the area.

Didn’t do much during the weekdays other than joining a little reunion of university friends on Wed. night. I spent most of my time drawing cartoons in my sister’s basement. I also started painting acrylics again to entertain my little niece while babysitting her on Friday afternoon.

Saturday was a little more fun, I went to do a trial baking class with a friend in the afternoon and did some art jamming with another couple of friends in the evening. I took inspiration from Banksy when working on my art piece ?.

Just when I thought I had all the time in the world for this trip, I just realized that there are just about 10 days left, it’s time to be more proactive to reach out and catch-up with friends again before heading back to HK!

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