Coffee Workshop

Before going to buy some red fai chun paper in preparation for the upcoming volunteering work on Monday, I decided to go pick up my long due (beginner) barista certificate nearby.  It just happened that there was a coffee workshop going on, I aimlessly went in the seminar room while the speaker was wrapping up the 2 hour workshop.  The speaker introduced the last of the many upcoming coffee courses available, a 16-hour course about the nuts and bolts of opening a coffee shop.  He said that many people who wanted to open their own coffee shops ended up abandoning their plans after taking the course.  That got me more interested.

There was a ~20% discount to register for the course today, and today only.  I registered after the workshop with very little hesitation.  Everything just happened so serendipitously right that I felt as though God is pathing the way for me on this little cafe dream I have been dreaming of for many months!

Oh Lord, may You continue to lead and guide me and help me understand Your plans for me in my career.


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