Monthly Archives: November 2017
Weekly Update
Caught a cold early this week, had been living most of the week with a runny nose and unwanted tiredness. Despite the need to rest more, there were some social meet ups I promised to join the week before: Mon: volunteered for the first time with Lizzie Bee to learn how Art can be applied […]
A Blessed Trip
Been back to HK for 5 days, still a little jet-lagging, woke up at around 5am this morning even though I was able to stay awake past midnight before sleep. Life slowly getting back to normal in HK, but still very much reminiscing of my month-long blessed trip in Canada. Looking back on the trip, […]
Art Residency
Besides meeting up friends and running the half-marathon, one of the things I did during the long vacation is paint, something I haven’t done for about 2 years. Within days of arriving Canada, I quickly setup a mini studio in my sister’s basement among my nieces’ swing and trampoline set. I experimented with acrylic paint, […]