Daily Archives: Mar 25, 2017

What is Life?

Have been pondering about the meaning of life a lot after my uncle passed away.  The question of life and death never felt so near until the traumatic experience of witnessing my uncle losing his life signals before my very eyes.

When I was aware of the interdisciplinary discussion/seminar about “What is Life?” was being held at CU today, I immediately signed up to seat in.  The auditorium was unusually packed when I arrived right on time, I guess the topic of life interests a lot of people.  The first professor talked about life from the physics and chemistry perspective.  The second professor, from the divinity faculty I think, talked about the joy of life, but he didn’t seem like a particularly joyful man to give a convincing talk.  The third and last professor was a doctor who recently stepped down from a high government position and started working at the university.  Instead of talking about life from his medicine training background, his line of thoughts seemed to resemble that of a philosopher.  I enjoy listening to all three humble scholars, especially the last one.

During the round panel discussion at the end, many interesting questions were raised from the audience, one particularly interesting one was “why use the limited time in our lives to pursue unlimited knowledge?”  I wanted to ask the speakers about “the meaning of life?” but there were too many questions and too little time.


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