Was at my uncle’s funeral last night and this morning, it was my first time in a buddhist themed funeral and also my first time helping out in one. Helping out as a receptionist, I asked those who came to the funeral to sign their names and in return I handed them a “吉儀” – an envelope containing a candy, a coin, and a piece of tissue paper. I also helped in marking down the names of the family and friends who brought “gifts” for my uncle’s family.
During the actual ceremony, I didn’t offer any burning incense like others but offered my silent prayer instead. Most of the funeral rituals seemed very strange to me. Actually, even my aunt and cousins didn’t seem to understand what they needed to do, they simply followed what the “host” told them to do. I couldn’t understand why my aunt chose a buddhist themed funeral even though neither her nor my uncle are buddhists. If a non-buddhist can have a buddhist themed funeral, can a non-christian have a christian themed funeral?
My aunt said my uncle started praying on his own occasionally before he passed away. A pastor from the hospital also visited and talked to my uncle a few times when he was still conscious. Only God knows whether my uncle opened up his heart to Him before he passed away, and I can only pray that God be merciful to my uncle’s soul.