CNY Holiday Starts

IMG_4150Had been a bit busy before the CNY holiday trying to prototype products to apply for a tiny space to market the studio’s products.  The kiosk owner quickly replied saying they were full and could only put me on the waiting list.  They also mentioned that there are kiosk spaces in other malls I can apply to.  I’ll do a little planning over the holidays and make a decision afterwards.

Thought it would be a good idea to stay away from my studio over this CNY holiday, so last night I brought home with me my laptop and some simple drawing tools.  I had probably spent way too much time in the studio last year, I usually stay there till near midnight and Sunday is usually the only day of the week I don’t set foot there.  An extended period away from the usual routine and environment would hopefully provide a little stimulation for my future work.  I seriously need to spend some time to do a little reflection and to do some planning for the year ahead before time quickly and relentlessly passes by like 2016!

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