Daily Archives: Dec 10, 2016

Visiting Uncle

img_3988My family insisted on visiting my uncle at his home this afternoon even though he was reluctant to see people after his liver cancer relapsed.  Joined by a couple of our relatives from Mainland, there were a total of 9 people visiting!

At my uncle’s home, my young nieces from Toronto were kept busy playing with my uncle’s cat, and the elders tried their best to encourage my uncle to stay hopeful while he pretended not to hear and had his eyes glued to the TV.  I can tell that my uncle was only pretending because he occasionally responded to the conversations and that he couldn’t hide a constant smile on his face.  My uncle’s expression clearly showed that our visit was a success in lifting up his spirit.

I suggested my dad to visit my uncle more regularly to keep up his spirit, and I hope to be tagged along.  I can’t think of anything I can do to help my uncle other than praying for him and offering my time to hear his worries and pain.

Oh Lord, please be merciful to my uncle, please don’t take him away from us before he finds you and believes in you. ??

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