Monday Artist

I’m slowly morphing myself into a Monday Artist.  In addition to my weekly evening oil painting and watercolor classes, I had spent the afternoon of my Creative Monday toying with a fountain pen, my recent infatuation.

Had the opportunity to get to know some full-time artists through my painting classes, they spend their days teaching and mastering what they love to do, it’s a rather enviable career.  But it’s definitely not easy being a full-time artist in HK, economic viability is one thing, and there’s also the inevitable loneliness/depression associated with many artists in their never ending pursuit in mastering their art.

I probably won’t set foot on the path of becoming a full-time artist, at least not anytime soon.  For now, I’m content for just being a Monday Artist, simply thankful that I can dedicate one day each week to indulge myself with art.


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