Daily Archives: Apr 7, 2015


IMG_1252Been thinking a lot about the concept of time lately.  I was woken up suddenly early this morning trying to calculate the age of my father, was he born on 1945?  Or was that my mother?  I just remember that my mom is 5 years younger than my dad.  My parents are still healthy and all, but it scares me every time I think that they’ll inevitably leave me some day, and I can only pray that they’ll accept Christ and receive the precious gift of eternal life before that happens.

Met up with some good old friends for lunch in HK Island.  We visited the exhibition “LIFE IS ONLY ONE” by Yoshitomo Nara after lunch, but not until after strolling around the neighborhood and briefly visiting some historic and contemporary architecture.  The exhibition was considerably small scale but it seemed nonetheless really interesting to me.  There was an acrylic painting of the artist’s signature mischievous-looking cartoon girl holding a skull, and there was a description nearby saying something about the artist becoming mature as he started to understand time and how every second/minute/hour that’s passed can never be returned – “LIFE IS ONLY ONE”.

Time can be so cruel sometimes.  I really need to learn how to better spend my time.

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