Daily Archives: Dec 26, 2014

Yet More Plantings

IMG_0885Went to the hospital in the morning to take some blood samples for testing, will be reviewing my recovery progress with the doctor at noon tomorrow.

Had dim sum with my parents and my sisters’ families afterwards.  There was not much to do in the afternoon, I decided to go to the flower market for a stroll and then go back to the studio to do some planting.  My sister and my little 5 year-old niece decided to join.  They had a good time.

When I was doing the plantings a few days ago, I discovered that the flower (水仙) that my sister gave me during CNY last year had miraculously resurrected.  I decided to dedicate that big pot for flowering plants, adding to it tulips, 風信子, and 葡萄風信子.  Looking forward to the blooming season(s)!

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