Daily Archives: Oct 18, 2014

Day 21

Wrote my first ever “open letter”…

Dear 佔中三子 and 學聨領袖,

While the dialogue with the Government has yet to take place, conflicts between protesters and police has once again become serious. It seems that the longer the peaceful demonstration drags on, the greater the risk of further jeopardizing the trust between protesters and police, and the lesser people would support the movement (esp. for those who are significantly affected by it on a daily basis).

Now that the Government has finally granted a dialogue with the protest leaders, may I humbly suggest a possible way to move forward that can allow protesters to continue the peaceful demonstration, while lessening the protesters-police conflicts and garnering people’s support.

From a shared article <胡平:中共現時的行為邏輯是什麼?| 獨媒轉載>: “…在和平佔中行動已經引起舉世關注,並使得港府方面(港府的背後是北京當局)同意對話的情勢下,抗爭者應該停止,至少是暫時停止這種不得已的違法方 式,轉而採取其他正常方式繼續抗爭。” (胡平)

My humble suggestion: In midst of the upcoming dialogue with the Government, ask protesters to temporary cease blockage of roads that are significantly affecting people (不得已的違法方式) and continue the peaceful demonstration in Tamar Park and perhaps 公民廣場 (正常方式繼續抗爭).



Just another one of 7 million people who is beginning to love HK.


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