Creative Monday

IMG_1288.JPGInitially planned for a spontaneous day to do anything I wanted out of the blue, but found out that I had to attend a conference call in the afternoon. I was hoping to lavish myself with one last day of free time before the expected long working days ahead.

I still managed to join the weekly painting class at night after missing the first class last week due to family trip. Entered the studio a little late, but I felt welcomed by the instructor and many familiar faces. Painting seemed even more enjoyable as work gets busier.

Hate to admit that I’m “busy”, I never liked hearing friends say they’re busy when we try to set up a date to meet up. But there’s really too much work piled up, need to finish 3 websites in the remaining 3 weeks of August, it’s going to be a personal record if I manage to complete this incredible feat!

It seems that the busier I get, the more I need solitude. I recall this bible verse: “… 你們得救在乎歸回安息; 你們得力在乎平靜安穩 ” (‭以賽亞書‬ ‭30‬:‭15‬)

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