Daily Archives: Jun 18, 2014

Information Technology

IMG_0211I have the habit of reading my daily news online in the morning before leaving home for work, so it seemed rather unsettling for not being able to do so this morning due to what claimed to be a cyber attack on the news server.

Went to work after an early lunch, after sending out the fellowship programme card design for printing, I shifted my focus back to my regular IT work.  The morning incident got me thinking about my work, I now seem to look at it with a greater sense of mission and responsibility.

Woke up (amazingly without the alarm) to watch the 3am Spain vs Chile game via online streaming, Spain is losing 2:0 while I’m typing up this post.  Flexibility is another thing I like about IT work, I can easily shift time and work anytime and anywhere as long as I have my computer and an internet connection.

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