Daily Archives: May 12, 2014

Creative Monday

IMG_0693Couldn’t avoid doing work today as I had to sit in on a conference call this morning at my friend’s office.  I accepted a website project last week as I think there’s something I can learn from it, besides, I can actually use some of the money to invest in my R&D work.  Doubt that I can make a living with my R&D or design work in the short term, so I would need to count on my IT skill to pay the bills for the meantime.  I’m not complaining, really.  In fact, I’m thankful for the work opportunity that came knocking on my door without my seeking.

Cleaned up my studio in the afternoon in preparation for the upcoming work.  Went to my painting class in the evening and started a new painting while my classmates put the finishing touches on their first painting.  This is probably the first painting I’m doing without the help of my instructor, I’ll qualify myself for graduation if I can do this one well enough. =)

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