Monthly Archives: November 2013
It was already close to sunset when I started my run. Started late because I decided at the last minute to join my friends for lunch after church, enjoyed an afternoon of laughter and reminiscence of the Canadian days with some good old friends. Parents are currently on their cruise trip, so I didn’t need […]
HK Saxophone Ensemble
Was entrusted with the responsibility to take my little nephew to attend an orchestral performance because my brother and sister-in-law had prior engagements. It just so happens that my fellowship was cancelled tonight, and it’s been awhile since I took my nephew out on a little date, so I happily took him out for a […]
New Camera
Needed a new point & shoot camera because the old one got stolen and my parents wanted to bring one along their upcoming cruise trip. Was thinking about getting a depreciated Canon S110, but the sales directed me to the Nikon P330 for the same price and with specs comparable to the newly released S120. […]