Daily Archives: Apr 24, 2013

Running & Self-Confidence

Went running this evening before the forecasted rainy days hit the city tomorrow.  Was planning to run 10k, but was messaged by my friend about a badminton court being booked for tomorrow, so I just ran ~6k.  The truth is, I probably couldn’t finish 10k even if I tried, a bit out of shape and a bit lacking in determination (or maybe self-confidence?).  My unwritten goal about completing a half-marathon this year seems a little too ambitious at this point.

I’m not sure why the question about self-confidence came up while I was walking home after the run.  I never really thought of myself lacking self-confidence, but maybe I do a bit underestimate myself sometimes.  But lacking self-confidence or not may not be important when you have family and friends who value you higher than you value yourself.  Received an email from my friend this morning saying she’s still 100% support of our dEEsigners’ venture, that kind of made my day!

As much as I value my family and friends, I often tell myself and others not to worry too much about what others expect of him/her, the most important thing is what God expects of him/her.  I’m reminded of one of my favorite bible verse:

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.  And what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8)


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