Daily Archives: Mar 27, 2013

Soul Searching (Dreams)

I still faintly remember the episode when I told my father that I want to be an engineer when I grow up, I was probably in grade 1 or 2 and I was picturing myself designing and building bridges (i.e. a civil engineer).

In high school, on the night before receiving my HKCEE results, I shared my dream of becoming an architect with my friends.  I never did apply for architecture school as I had hardly studied Art in high school and there was no way I could come up with a portfolio to apply.  Becoming an architect will likely always be an unreachable dream for me.

After getting through engineering school, I began working as a software developer.  I started taking night classes in cartooning with my friend (also colleague back then), it was then that I rekindled my love for art.  I was working for my final cartooning assignment on a famous artist, I chose Charles Schulz (the artist behind Snoopy and Friends) and read up on his biography.  The artist had dedicated almost his entire life in his studio in front of his drawing desk inking the comic strip day in and day out, I can totally picture myself doing the same.  That was my brief dream of becoming a cartoonist.

As one gets older, reality seems to have gained a stronger hold in his life, and childhood dreams easily fade or vanish all together…

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