Daily Archives: Mar 19, 2013

Soul Searching (Family)

Told my parents over dinner about how I wish to shift away from freelancing and focus on starting some serious work, they seemed supportive of my decision.  Ever since I cleared up my freelance work and revealed my unclear future career plan to my family, they had been offering me advices/assistance – my brother forwarded me a link about a program that helps start-up design companies collaborate and market their designs; my sister (often) saved newspaper articles of local design stories for my inspiration; and my parents asked if I needed seed money to start a company.  I should have saved enough seed money for what I’m setting out to do, and I wouldn’t feel comfortable taking money from my parents even if I needed it.

The fact is, my parents have already helped me a lot by being financial independent themselves, it means that I’m free to pursue whatever I desire without worrying about winning bread for my family.  Actually, this has always been the environment I was raised, my parents have always kept me out from worrying about family finances and adequately providing all of my needs, and they’ve always allowed me to freely choose what I wish to study and do.  I’m thankful for a supportive, trusting, and loving family.

At this age, I really think I should shift from being a burden to becoming more responsible to my family.  Now if only I’m more clear about what I want to do as a career…


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