Daily Archives: Sep 22, 2012

Fellowship & Friends

My design of the fellowship’s quarterly programme card was handed out yesterday.  Looked at it side by side with last quarter’s card, I’m really liking this newspaper-cartoon-subscription kind of approach.  I sure hope the fellowship b/s liked the cards too.

I was given many opportunities to serve in my church and fellowship ever since I took over the unfinished design of last year’s CNY red pockets.  I really do enjoy these somewhat spontaneous opportunities to serve with my amateur design skills, thankful that God is using what He has given me to serve Him and his people this way.

During fellowship last night, we were asked whether we have 5 or more friends outside of church whom we’ve known for more than 10 years.  I thought for a moment and I realized that almost all the friends (except my soccer buddies) I hang out with outside of church have been known to me for more than 10 years.  There are actually a few friends I’ve known since primary school and whom I still meet up with regularly!  I feel forever thankful to have so many friends who know each other so well as to easily read through each others’ minds and complete each others’ sentences.

In comparison, I’ve only known my fellowship b/s for as long as I’ve attended fellowship (2-3 years), not too sure how long it would take (or whether at all possible) for me to get to know them as well as my good old friends.

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