Daily Archives: Sep 4, 2012

Lunch with Friend

20120904-203455.jpgWent out to have lunch with a good old friend and his wife.  I’ve known this friend since primary school, he’s probably one of the “oldest” friends I still keep in touch with.  We used to meet up at least once a month, but had been a bit busy (both for him and I) in the last few months to have a meal together.  It’s good that we were finally able to do some catching up this afternoon.

We had lunch very close to the new Government Headquarters and my friend suggested to take a walk there after lunch.  It’s my first time visiting the new landmark in HK, love the openness of the building and the landscaping.  Also paid a brief visit to the current protest on National Ed., I do support them spiritually, but similar to all the previous protests, nothing seemed to provoke me enough to get involved.  I’m still very much a bystander when it comes to politics.

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