Daily Archives: Aug 6, 2012

HK Geopark

My family and I joined a local tour to visit the Geopark yesterday.  I totally forgot about it until the night before, had drinks with friends till rather late and ended up sleeping very little before the trip.  As a result, the trip seemed rather exhaustive, I spent every minute on the bus and on the boat taking power naps.  Nonetheless, I was once again reminded of the wonderful combination of colors and textures of nature,  it’s been awhile since I took a breather from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Had a bit too much physical activities over the weekend (bball on Sat. and Geopark yesterday), my legs felt a bit tired after standing through the painting class tonight.  Good thing I’ll have some time for my body to recover this week as I don’t have soccer or bball scheduled, and the mid-week badminton session is optional.

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