Unfinished Projects

Starting to feel a little pressure recently, there seems to be a lot of projects left unfinished.  I had been working harder than usual this week, managed to clear a couple of small projects.

It was hymns and prayers for tonight’s fellowship.  Some lyrics got me thinking about life and career.  I seemed to have walked a path unlike many of my peers.  After graduating from my Bachelor’s degree, I worked for about 4 years before going back to school again.  Studied a M Env. Sci. degree, then moved back to HK and studied another M Sci. degree.  Now after spending about 3 years in the academics, I find myself a little lost, I seemed to have lost touch of the real world.  Particularly so because I’ve never worked in this city, a place where people always seemed busy.

Most of my friends are more or less established in their career by this time, and I’m just in the process of kickstarting my career again, felt like I’ve lost a few years and a little bit late in the game.  But then again, I’m not as tied down to a job and have the freedom to pursue my “dreams”.  I’m thankful for this.

Oh God, please continue to lead me in my career, let me use the gifts you’ve given me to do good works, serving others and revealing Your glory.

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