Daily Archives: Jul 5, 2012

Meet EVE

Received my bday present late last week.  I named her, my new “wife”, EVE, and we just finished our week-long honeymoon.  We migrated (data migration), had a small fight (trouble with migrating the bootcamp partition and making room for her on my desk), and reconciled (reinstalled WinXP from scratch and rearranged my desktop to accommodate her).  After getting to know her more intimately and discovering her amazing capability, I’m now loving her more than ever! =)

Oh yeah, I’ve also renamed my studio’s wireless network GARDEN_OF_EDEN to make her feel at home!

EVE is now pretty much settled and we are both ready for a new life together.  Hopefully many new babies (creative projects) will come out from this union.

… With Power, comes Responsibility…

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10)

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